Eduardo en Paris
Eduardo esta ya en Paris para los Lg Action Sports que se disputan los dias 25 y 26 de junio.
El domingo 26 por la tarde se celebra la final de vert en la que competira con :
John Parker
Simon Tabron
Tom Stober
Jay Eggleston
Zach Shaw
Stefan Geisler
Jay Miron
Koji Kraft
Tom Haugen
Esperemos que repita los exitos de Moscu y Munich.
Eduardo is already in Paris for the Lg Action Sports that disputes
days 25 and 26 of June. Sunday 26 in the evening the final of vert is
celebrated in which it will compete with :
John Parker
Simon Tabron
Tom Stober
Jay Eggleston
Zach Shaw
Stefan Geisler
Jay Miron
Koji Kraft
Tom Haugen
We hoped that he repeats the success of Moscu and Munich.
fotos by LgActionSports
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