T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds
T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds, una competición organizara por mis grandes amigos Achim Kujawski y Andy Zeiss el 12 y 13 de octubre en Berlin (Alemania). Esta fantástica competición atrajo a numerosos participantes como Simon Tabron, Chad Kagy, Tobias Wicke, Alesandro Barbero y una larga lista de buenos riders... Fue una competición por eliminatoría, cabeza contra cabeza hasta llegar a los tres finalistas. Esto estuvo muy divertido y confuso, pero fue una experiencia que me gusto ya que es la primera vez que lo hacía. Una lástima que no pude hacer las finales ya que una caída de un 540º bard-spin me dejase con un tobillo esguinzado.
Bueno, una más....
T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds, the competition was organizing for my big friends Achim Kujawski and Andy Zeiss on October 12 and 13 in Berlin (Germany). This fantastic competition participant attracted to numerous as Simon Tabron, Chad Kagy, Tobias Wicke, Alesandro Barbero and a big lists of good riders... It was a competition for eliminations, head to head up to coming to three finalists. It was very entertained and simultaneously confused but it was an experience that I like because it is the first time that i was doing it. It was a pity becaue I could not do the finals because a fall of 540 º bard-spin and i was geting a sprain on my ankle.
Another time...
Bueno, una más....
T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds, the competition was organizing for my big friends Achim Kujawski and Andy Zeiss on October 12 and 13 in Berlin (Germany). This fantastic competition participant attracted to numerous as Simon Tabron, Chad Kagy, Tobias Wicke, Alesandro Barbero and a big lists of good riders... It was a competition for eliminations, head to head up to coming to three finalists. It was very entertained and simultaneously confused but it was an experience that I like because it is the first time that i was doing it. It was a pity becaue I could not do the finals because a fall of 540 º bard-spin and i was geting a sprain on my ankle.
Another time...
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